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Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye syndrome (DES or dry eye) is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Its consequences range from minor irritation to the inability to wear contact lenses and an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections.

Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye

Persistent dryness, scratchiness and a burning sensation on your eyes are common symptoms of dry eye syndrome. These symptoms alone may be enough for your eye doctor to diagnose dry eye syndrome. Sometimes, he or she may want to measure the amount of tears in your eyes. A thin strip of filter paper placed at the edge of the eye, called a Schirmer test, is one way of measuring this.

Some people with dry eyes also experience a "foreign body sensation” – the feeling that something is in the eye. And it may seem odd, but sometimes dry eye syndrome can cause watery eyes, because the excessive dryness works to overstimulate production of the watery component of your eye's tears.

What Causes Dry Eyes?

In dry eye syndrome, the tear glands that moisturize the eye don't produce enough tears, or the tears have a chemical composition that causes them to evaporate too quickly.

Dry eye syndrome has several causes. It occurs:

  • As a part of the natural aging process, especially among women over age 40.
  • As a side effect of many medications, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, certain blood pressure medicines, Parkinson's medications and birth control pills.
  • Because you live in a dry, dusty or windy climate with low humidity.

If your home or office has air conditioning or a dry heating system, that too can dry out your eyes. Another cause is insufficient blinking, such as when you're staring at a computer screen all day.

Dry eyes are also associated with certain systemic diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea or Sjogren's Syndrome (a triad of dry eyes, dry mouth, and rheumatoid arthritis or lupus).

Long-term contact lens wear, incomplete closure of the eyelids, eyelid disease and a deficiency of the tear-producing glands are other causes.

Dry eye syndrome is more common in women, possibly due to hormone fluctuations. Recent research suggests that smoking, too, can increase your risk of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye has also been associated with incomplete lid closure following blepharoplasty – a popular cosmetic surgery to eliminate droopy eyelids.

Treatment for Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome is an ongoing condition that treatments may be unable to cure. But the symptoms of dry eye – including dryness, scratchiness and burning – can usually be successfully managed.

Your eyecare practitioner may recommend artificial tears, which are lubricating eye drops that may alleviate the dry, scratchy feeling and foreign body sensation of dry eye. Prescription eye drops for dry eye go one step further: they help increase your tear production. In some cases, your doctor may also prescribe a steroid for more immediate short-term relief.


When over the counter eye drops don’t work, a Dr. Bassiri might suggest a prescription eye drop. One of the most common ones is called Restasis.

While most over the counter eyedrops simply moisten the surface of the eye, Restasis does more. As part of its chemical makeup, it contains an agent that actually addresses the inflammation that occurs due to dry eye syndrome. It also helps your body to produce tears naturally.

That said, keep in mind that you may not see immediate results from this medication. It can take a full 90 days before you start seeing significant results.

There’s also a risk of feeling a burning sensation in the eyes for the first few weeks.

Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask

Bring Relief to Your Aching Dry Eyes!

Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask is best way for sustained heat and pressure to clinically treat Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.

Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask

The solution. The Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask. This unique new Mask is fast acting and easy to use. It replenishes moisture and relieves dryness…simply and naturally. The Mask may be applied as often as needed and will not interfere with other prescribed or OTC medications.

How it Works. The secret is the patented technology. Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask features MediBeads® which continuously absorb and store water molecules from the air. When microwaved, the clean, natural moist heat goes to work immediately to provide soothing relief. A heated Eye Hydrating Mask helps stabilize the tear film, improves oil gland function and slows tear evaporation. Properly hydrated and lubricated eyes can expel bacteria and debris more efficiently so your patients’ eyes will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Patient Friendly. The Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask is an easy to use and natural way to treat chronic dry eye, MGD and Blepharitis. After 20 seconds in the microwave, apply the Mask over your closed eyes for several minutes. The moist heat goes to work immediately to help slow tear evaporation. There is no need to add water, no waiting and no mess. Please contact our office to purchase: (250) 655-1122.

Another option for dry eye treatment involves a tiny insert filled with a lubricating ingredient. The insert is placed just inside the lower eyelid, where it continuously releases lubrication throughout the day.

If you wear contact lenses, be aware that many artificial tears cannot be used during contact lens wear. You may need to remove your lenses before using the drops. Wait 15 minutes or longer (check the label) before reinserting them. For mild dry eye, contact lens rewetting drops may be sufficient to make your eyes feel better, but the effect is usually only temporary. Switching to another lens brand could also help.

Check the label, but better yet, check with your doctor before buying any over-the-counter eye drops. Your eye doctor will know which formulas are effective and long-lasting and which are not, as well as which eye drops will work with your contact lenses.

To reduce the effects of sun, wind and dust on dry eyes, wear sunglasses when outdoors. Wraparound styles offer the best protection.

Indoors, an air cleaner can filter out dust and other particles from the air, while a humidifier adds moisture to air that's too dry because of air conditioning or heating.

For more significant cases of dry eye, your eye doctor may recommend punctal plugs. These tiny devices are inserted in ducts in your lids to slow the drainage of tears away from your eyes, thereby keeping your eyes more moist.

If your dry eye is caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), your doctor may recommend warm compresses and suggest an in-office procedure to clear the blocked glands and restore normal function.

Doctors sometimes also recommend special nutritional supplements containing certain essential fatty acids to decrease dry eye symptoms. Drinking more water may also offer some relief.

If medications are the cause of dry eyes, discontinuing the drug generally resolves the problem. But in this case, the benefits of the drug must be weighed against the side effect of dry eyes. Sometimes switching to a different type of medication alleviates the dry eye symptoms while keeping the needed treatment. In any case, never switch or discontinue your medications without consulting with your doctor first.

Treating any underlying eyelid disease, such as blepharitis, helps as well. This may call for antibiotic or steroid drops, plus frequent eyelid scrubs with an antibacterial shampoo.

If you are considering LASIK, be aware that dry eyes may disqualify you for the surgery, at least until your dry eye condition is successfully treated. Dry eyes increase your risk for poor healing after LASIK, so most surgeons will want to treat the dry eyes first, to ensure a good LASIK outcome. This goes for other types of vision correction surgery, as well.


E>Eye is the first medical device in the world using IRPL® technology that has been specifically designed for the treatment of dry eyes due to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).

e eye image (1)

Meibomian gland dysfunction has been identified as a principal cause of dry eye disease. It results in the tear film becoming unstable, leading to insufficient production, or excessive evaporation of tears. It is now acknowledged that most cases of evaporative dry eye are primarily due to a compromised external lipid layer of the lacrimal film, caused by malfunctioning meibomian glands.

E-Eye is a dry eye treatment that generates a new polychromatic pulsed light by producing perfectly calibrated and homogeneously sequenced light pulses. The sculpted pulses are delivered under the shape of regulated train pulses. The energy, spectrum and time period are precisely set to stimulate the meibomian glands to improve their function.

Session treatments take only a few minutes.

  • Patients are comfortably seated on a treatment chair, preferably tilted. The metal eyewear protection is adjusted on the patient’s eyes. Optical gel is then applied to the cheekbone and the temporal areas.
  • A series of 5 flashes is applied under one eye, starting from the inner canthus up to the temporal area, using the nominal power.
  • The same process is then repeated under the other eye.

Quantified Efficiency

Clinical studies have been conducted in France, New Zealand, and China. These studies have shown the following:

unnamedA considerable improvement in the symptoms perceived by patients, with a 90% satisfaction rate after the first two treatments.

This improvement was confirmed by patients’ opinions regarding their level of discomfort before treatment versus their level of discomfort after treatment, as well as the improvement in fixation time while reading or watching television. An improvement was felt by patients quickly following the initial treatment, and for several days after treatment. Perceived improvements became more prolonged after the second and third treatments.